When I got a request from a dear (MALE) friend to do this post on "How high is too high" and "Appropriate Wedges" I wondered....what could have possibly ticked him off to ask me to address this unfortunate fashion faux pas. Was it the dreadful sight of seeing a girl walking, knees locked, hugging her friend so she does not make a trip to the floor? Or was the slim legged girl dragging her feet b/c her wedges are way too big for her feet to carry? Regardless, he saw a problem....and I have been a witness to such atrocities!!!
So here are my tips when it comes to heels:
1. Wear heels that are in ratio to your height:
Heels 4 inches or higher can only be comfortably worn by those average height or taller. I guess your heel should not be half your height lol!

If you are under 5'3 these 5 inch heels may be too high for you :) Let's be clear, I am sure even Beyonce is struggling a lil' in these and walking with a permanent bent knee lol! Thank God they have a platform sole for increased comfort.
2. Slim stilletto heels that extend straight from the back sole/edge of your shoes are impossible to walk in....be very wary (I know this from personal experience). The heel should curve/angle inwards from the base or be thicker to provide the support you need to strut and carry your body weight. (Wedges are different).

While I love these Fendi Elasticated Sandals, I will leave it in the store, because of the heel angle and height. If it was a shorter heel, maybe I could walk comfortably, but this heel placement will definitely force me to walk at a 45% angle.
3. All heels (wedge, stilletto, square) must be in porportionate to the size of your leg and feet width. If you have slim legs then your stilleto/wedge/platform should be smaller, shorter, thinner, and more narrow.

While these Fergie Wedges may tickle your fancy, if you are petite they are way too big for your body frame. You will feel as if you are Big Foot....trust me!

Wearing a modest fashionable wedge like these Anna Hindmarch Gres is more suitable and proportionate for petite frames.
4. You may want to buy inner soles to increase the comfort for your feet. The solution is not to abandon beautiful heels, but adopting strategies to provide support and cushion for your feet. If your stiletto heel is really thin, place a gel insole at the heel of your feet.
Dr. Scholl's Heel Cushion Insoles
Dr. Scholl's insoles for High Heels www. drscholls.com
5. Not to have a biased post....let me state that regardless to size, height, and stature, we should all wear heels responsibly. Heels while gorgeous, and aesthetically enhancing, can cause serious damage to our feet and posture. So if your heel is wobbling to the side when you walk it may be too thin to carry your body weight, similarly, if you consistently walk at a 45% angle, your heel may be to high and poorly positioned (versus a more diagonal slant).